This felypti's features, in the absence of appearance-altering genes, is very smooth, the fur being short and soft. |
This gene causes long fur to grow on the tail and/or ears, and gives a shaggy appearance. |
Seen often on certain canine breeds, this gene causes the tail to curl tightly. |
Double Tail
A split in the spine causes two tails to grow. Though originally thought to have been the result of a failed cell split (siamese twins), this rumor has since been dissolved. |
Feathered wings grow from the shoulder blades. The wings can vary in size. |
Almost identical to the dragon wings of Queen Cleo's felypti, these wings are thick and leathery. |
Four insect wings sprout from the shoulder blades. Though Queen Cleo's felypti have more variety (single or double, long or short) it is not known if Queen Flora's felypti will show the same assortment. |
This gene affects the genders differently. Horns will grow on both male and female felypti, but only males will have hooves instead of paws on their front legs. |
This gene will produce two wings similar to those of a butterfly. They are just as fragile and are varied in design, shape, and size. |
A very rare gene, faerie felypti are not often seen. |