
Tome of Felypti
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History and Information

For information regarding Queen Cleo's felypti, please go here.

It is known that the felypti (a named derived from the words 'feline' and 'Egypt') began their days in the arid deserts of Egypt, where they lived for thousands of years in this harsh climate. But what was not known for the longest time, is that of those original felypti that roamed the desert sands, a small group broke off and travelled for many months until they reached the Nile River, where they settled.

Time passed. Generations of felypti came and went, and with the movement of the ages, two separate civilizations emerged. There were the felypti of the desert, a race of desert cats taught to grow up in the harshest of conditions, taught to hunt for their food and dig holes for their homes. And then there were the felypti of the river. A subspecies of the original felypti, these agile felines learned to fish, stalk, and chase their prey.

Now, these two races live independantly in Egypt, their ways of life similar in some ways, different in others. Just like the desert felypti, the river felypti are very social creatures, living in communities called setts. Unlike the desert felypti, who live in runs dug beneath the surface of the sand, river felypti build thickets from reeds and twigs, often extending over the water like beaver dams. River felypti are accomplished swimmers and diggers, and they quite often have secret entrances into these thickets dug into the soil on the river's edge and accessible by the water alone.

For more information about the river felypti, please read the rest of the Tome of Felypti on the left.

All graphics except felypti are copyrighted to Jedi.

This market stall is operated by Jedi. Felypti were created by Miriel and colored by Credo. The river felypti are colored by Jedi.

All original design copyrights belong to Miriel. All original felypti species work copyrights belong to Credo.

All rights reserved.