ID#: rf012f
Gender: Female
Color: Dragon Sun
Rank: Fisher
Eyes: Tangerine
Mutations: dragonfly
Stat Points
Health - 5
Happiness - 5
Ability - 6
Price: 25c

ID#: rf008m
Gender: Male
Color: Sunset Prancer
Rank: Hunter
Eyes: Tangerine
Mutations: unicorn
Stat Points
Health - 5
Happiness - 5
Ability - 7
Price: 25c

ID#: rf009m
Gender: Male
Color: Fly Away
Rank: Scribe
Eyes: Tangerine
Mutations: butterfly
Stat Points
Health - 5
Happiness - 5
Ability - 7
Price: 25c
All graphics except felypti are copyrighted to Jedi.
This market stall is operated by Jedi. Felypti were created by Miriel and colored by Credo. The river felypti are colored by Jedi.
All original design copyrights belong to Miriel. All original felypti species work copyrights belong to Credo.
All rights reserved.