A sett is an organized group of felypti that live together. The sett is always governed by a female felypti as felypti regard females as optimal for leadership positions.
The sett will consist of a minimum of five felypti, including the governing female. Family is very important to felypti, and setts are often begun with one or two mated pairs having litters of kits, the kits staying with the parents, and outside felypti joining to ensure no inbreeding. Therefore, it is not uncommon to have a sett formed around a family.
While it is not necessary to have felypti of all ranks within a sett, it does make the sett a healthier environment, and will promote large litters, something that is very important to felypti. A sett overrun with too many of one rank will not be as healthy, and thus litter sizes may be smaller. Please remember this when forming your sett.
To form an official sett, there are some rules to follow. Be sure your sett is within these limits, or your request for official status will be denied.
~~ A sett will be governed by a female felypti holding either the rank of magician, priest, or scribe.
~~ A sett will contain no less than five felypti.
~~ A sett will be located in a suitable river home. If the home is not adequate, the request will be denied.
~~ A sett will have a records page containing information on the sett members, any breedings, shows participated in, and any other relevant information.
~~ There will be no other species residing in the same area of the sett as felypti are not social creatures to other species.
~~ There will be no desert felypti members of the sett as they can not survive in the same environment as river felypti.
There are benefits to having an official sett:
~~ You will be allowed access to special sales.
~~ Only official setts may possess a fertility idol.
~~ Felypti residing in an official sett will generally have higher stats in all areas.
~~ Official setts will gain Queen Cleo's favor, which is always a good thing. ^.^
Remember that felypti prefer to live in groups. Please try to give your felypti warm and loving homes among others of their own kind.
All graphics except felypti are copyrighted to Jedi.
This market stall is operated by Jedi. Felypti were created by Miriel and colored by Credo. The river felypti are colored by Jedi.
All original design copyrights belong to Miriel. All original felypti species work copyrights belong to Credo.
All rights reserved.